Operation Shrink your Body

A new you for 2013! This is my gift to you for this year, so buckle up because we are taking off!
As we start another year, I want to make sure I can help you either lose weight or live a healthier and more balanced life. I know you are probably tired of experimenting with all kinds of diets and plans, but If you are ready today is your first day to a new you! There is nothing more rewarding than working hard and seeing results at the end. Results may not come super fast, so please be patience as bodies react differently and it may take a little more time for some people, specially those who have experimented with drastic diets. This is going to be a year of building healthy habits one step at a time, and at a slow pace, but I know it can bring you great results, if you make a daily pledge to applying these habits every day. Every week for 52 weeks you will learn a new habit that will help you get closer to your goal. Let’s get started!

This week we will work on making a commitment, assessing your health and getting the necessary tools to get you going in the right direction. But today is all about making a commitment. You need to make a pledge today to commit yourself every day to your goal. I want you to grab a piece of paper, or your phone and write your pledge, which can look like this:

I__(your name)__pledge to: Commit myself to get rid of 20 pounds this year in 2013. __(your signature)__________________

Keep this note in a place were you will see it every single day as a reminder of your commitment for this year. Can you do that today? This is your task for today, so grab your paper of phone or any other tool and start writing your pledge.

Enjoy your first day and don’t forget to send me your questions or comments every day 🙂

Here is to our best year ever!!

I welcome any questions and feedback and will do my best to answer every single one of your questions as we go along.

Operation Shrink your Body
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