Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 48: Getting Your Body Strong while Losing Weight!

photoBy Nicola Cucuiet and Sylvia Klinger

A typical adult loses about one-half pound of muscle per year after the age of 20!  Strengthening exercises are a very important part in an exercise routine for both women and man. Incorporating strength exercise in your daily routine can improve overall fitness and health and reduce body fat, increase muscle mass and burn a lot of calories.
Strength training uses resistance methods like free weights, weight machines, resistance bands, or a person’s own weight to build muscles and strength. When you strength train, you’re using your muscles to work against the extra pounds (this concept is called resistance). By doing so you will train your muscles to burn more calories and work harder than they used to.
Strength training has a big impact on the development of strong bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Because this type of exercise builds muscle mass, it reduces the risk of joint injuries, contributing to a better balance and proper position. This type of exercise plays a big part in weight management. As you gain muscle, your body has more resources to burn energy and thus burn more calories. The more you develop and tone your muscles, the more your body burns calories and boosts it’s metabolism.  Remmember A typical adult loses about one-half pound of muscle per year after the age of 20, incorporating strengthening exercises in an exercise routine can slow down muscle loss that comes with aging.
When beginning a strength training, always seek the assistance of a fitness professional to reduce the risk of injury and to maximize the benefits of your exercise. Be sure to stretch and prep your body for the upcoming effort, and gradually warm up your muscles. Exercise each muscle group, controlling every move you make, at the same time focusing on breathing to ensure proper oxygen flow. Try to incorporate different kinds of exercises to avoid getting tired of the same kind. Incorporate two days of strength training in your workout routine, with at least one day between exercises to rest and let your body recover and re-energize it’s resources. Use stretch bands, medicine balls, resistance bands, free weights, etc (see photo) to boost your strengthening workout.
Strength training is a form of exercise that doesn’t get a lot of attention. There is a misconception that if you train and develop your muscle mass you will get big and bulky. Nothing farther from the truth. In order to burn calories you need muscle mass; in order to have muscle mass you need to strength train.  The benefits of strength training come in addition to cardiovascular training and are very important as well as necessary. Together they are an essential part in the maintenance of good health.

Live life and love it. Eat well.

Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 48: Getting Your Body Strong while Losing Weight!

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