Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 57: Wednesday Menu

By Nicola Cucuiet and Sylvia Klinger

Banana-berry smoothie
Smoothies are great breakfast options. They provide the necessary amount of nutrients to start the day fully energized. Smoothies have to be looked at as a complete meal and not as a refreshment because they are calorie packed and filling enough to be a considered a meal in every sense. The association with low fat dairy provide the adequate calcium intake, as well as nutrients like potassium and important antioxidants thanks to the banana – berry combo.
156 cal/ single serving

Arugula, tomato and turkey sandwich – use ciabatta bread for an Italian twist
This is a healthy and smart dinner choice for people on the go. It contains enough protein, vitamins, and other nutrients to give you the energy boost needed, that will keep you going through out the day until lunch. Arugula is a cruciferous vegetable. Cruciferous vegetables are associated with reduced risk of cancer in many studies. Tomatoes are high in important antioxidants such as vitamin C and Vitamin A. These vitamins work to protect your body from free radicals. So all in all this lunch choice makes for the perfect choice in order to balance one side your hunger and on the other hand your diet.
320 cal/ single serving

Spicy fish noodle soup
At the end of these international culinary feast, choose a light, exotic and comforting  meal to peacefully end the day. Seafood is a great source of antioxidants and selenium. The spicy combination charges you with the maximum amount of capsaicin that is a natural pain relief remedy. Capsaicin also has soothing proprieties that help you reduce stress levels, thus creating the perfect meal that will get you to bed in no time.
287 cal/ single serving

Live life. Enjoy it and Eat well.


Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 57: Wednesday Menu

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