Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 70 – 71; Feeding Picky Eaters

First of all, if you have a picky eater, you’re not alone!According to a study by Abbott, two out of three moms reveal having a picky eater and only one in 10 of those moms are successful at getting their picky eater to eat healthy every day.
There are some tips that can help with picky eating:
Make a plan and stick to it. Meals tend to be healthier when we think of them ahead of time, so try to plan menus a week or even a month at a time. And remember to start slowly. You won’t be able to revamp eating habits overnight.
Designate a family dinner night. It’s almost impossible to get the entire family together. So designate one night a week as “Family Dinner Night” and make it a priority. Eating together is an important part of setting a positive example of good nutrition.
Don’t get frustrated. It can take 15 tries before picky eaters will try a new food. So keep preparing nutritious meals. It will eventually end up in his or her mouth. there is help for those difficult situations.
You may want to try PediaSure SideKicks® – is a delicious nutritional supplement with 25 vitamins and minerals, 7 grams of protein and 3 grams of fat. It will help balance out your picky eater’s uneven diet.


Operation Shrink Your Body – Day 70 – 71; Feeding Picky Eaters

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