Everyone’s Favorite Oatmeal


The title speaks for itself, but this oatmeal is fool-proof and appreciated by all the members of our family. It’s so appetizing that even if you don’t like oatmeal, after this–you’ll never look at oatmeal with the same eyes ever again.



Everyone’s Favorite Oatmeal  (Yield: 2)

1 cup 100% Natural Whole Grain Old-fashioned Quaker Oats ®

1-¾ non-dairy beverage of choice (Try soy, almond, cashew, coconut, flax)

1 tablespoon Honey (May substitute for agave, maple syrup, or brown sugar)

1 tablespoon vanilla extract (Also try vanilla bean paste)

1/8 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon cinnamon, ground

½ teaspoon cloves, ground

½ teaspoon ginger, ground

4-6 walnut pieces

4-6 pecan pieces

4 to 6 almonds, whole or sliced

Garnish with:

Cinnamon, ground

Wheat Germ (as shown in the second picture)

Apple, sliced or diced (as shown in the first picture)

Banana, sliced (as shown in the second picture)

Strawberries, sliced or quartered



Raisins, dried

Cranberries, dried

Simply Balanced Deglet noor dates ™, pitted, or any pitless dates


In a medium size sauce-pan, on medium-high, heat up the non-dairy beverage until boiling, pour the oats and stir. Add all the ingredients except for the nuts. Continue to stir until the non-dairy beverage begins to boil and bubble, reduce heat to medium-low. Once the oats have softened, add the nuts and stir. Pour into individual bowl and top with any garnish you desire (see the suggestions). If oatmeal is a bit dry, feel free to add a little more “milk” beverage alternative.

Everyone’s Favorite Oatmeal
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