Soy = a powerhouse of nutrients

As we close soyfoods month today, I will like to summarize the amazing benefits of including soyfoods everyday in your meals. Below is a compilation of the benefits highlighted during national soy month:

Soy and heart health

Did you know that soy protein significantly reduces blood levels of LDL cholesterol, the type of cholesterol that increases heart disease risk.

Soy and the health of the arteries

In postmenopausal women, the isoflavones naturally present in soybeans and soybeans improve the health of the artieres, which protects against heart disease.

Soy and aging

The isoflavones that are naturally present in soybeans and soyfoods are potent antioxidants that can protect cells against the harmful effects of free radicals

Soy and breast health

Exciting evidence suggests that for young girls,  consuming as little as one serving of a soyfood daily can markedly reduce the chances of developing breast cancer later in life.

Leading health agenices have concluded that women with breast cancer can safely consuming soyfoods

Soy and bone health

In older women, soyfoods have been shown to slow bone loss and to increase bone formation

Soyfoods and hot flashes

Clinical studies involving over 1,000 women show that soybean isoflavones reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes.  The evidence indicates that consuming two servings of soyfoods daily can reduce hot flashes by over 50 percent.

Soyfoods and diabetes

Did you know that unlike other beans, soybeans are low in carbohydrates? Therefore, many soyfoods are good choices for people who restrict their carbohydrate intake.

Soy and cognitive health

Research shows that isoflavones in soy and soy products may improve overall cognitive function and memory.

Soy and skin health

Soy and gout health

Multiple clinical studies have shown that the isoflavones in soybeans reduce wrinkles in pre- and postmenopausal women

Soyfoods do not increase risk of developing gout

Eat more soy for all the good benefits!


The Soyfoods Council

Click here for soy recipes and soy resources –

Soy Nutritioin Institute

Click here for the latest soy research –

Soy Connection

Click here for soy resources and recipes –

Soy = a powerhouse of nutrients