For the Love of Fruits and Veggies

When people ask me about my top nutrition message, I immediately go to eating more fruits and veggies every day. The combination of different foods is what makes a meal well balanced, but fruits and veggies both organic or conventional deliver amazing powerful benefits. Fortunately, I am not alone, a recent survey of dietitians also agreed that eating fruits and veggies bring great benefits.

Therefore, it breaks my heart to hear statements bashing conventional agricultural methods when we have significant research that states both methods of agriculture deliver safe foods with comparable nutrition profile. The focus should be on eating more fruits and veggies knowing that most Americans are only getting about 1.5 servings per day and not taking advantage of the bountiful nutrients they provide. I truly don’t understand why we have to bash one or the other when they both deliver safe nutrients. I believe we should have a choice, specially knowing almost half of our population can’t afford to only buy organic foods and why should we make them feel guilty?

The consequences for not eating the recommended servings for fruits and veggies is far worse. The Alliance for Food and Farming shares the specific unintended consequences from perpetuating fear messages about fruits and veggies:

  • Only one in 10 Americans consume enough fruits and veggies each day;
  • Decades of studies show reduced risk of diseases, like cancer, heart disease and diabetes, associated with eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables;
  • Peer reviewed research has shown this type of messaging may be negatively impacting purchasing of any produce – organic or conventional – among low income consumers;
  • The results of a new AFF survey among registered dietitians shows significant agreement that these types of disparaging statements raises safety fears and impacts their ability to increase produce consumption among clients and consumers.

My recommendation is to enjoy your fruits and vegetables every day and if possible at every meal. The benefits outpaces any minimal risk, which can be minimized by rinsing all fruits and veggies. Keep enjoying your fruits and veggies and tag me when you #AddOneMore

For the Love of Fruits and Veggies
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